Business Model Strategy
Gain insight on products and services, business channels, value propositions, and target markets.
Latest Episode:
Episode 0140 | Growth in the Digital Age: An Interview with Abbey Karel from Bounteous
How can a company use today’s digital world to their advantage? Luckily for Jeff and Kelly, they have just the expert to ask: Abbey Karel from Bounteous!
Episode 0133 | Aboveground Fuel Storage for Convenience
Using aboveground tanks for fuel storage is a polarizing topic, but for guests Ethan Henderson and Cameron Hogan from Major Oil, it’s what they do best.
Episode 0128 | Comebacks Don’t Happen Overnight: Interview with Stephanie Stuckey
Besides bringing her family business out of the red, Stephanie Stuckey has built a team and marketed her brand, all while completely re-inventing herself in a matter of a couple years. Hear her secrets and strategies in this episode!
Episode 0101 | How Convenience Is Getting Even More Competitive!
How can you up your game and ensure you’re truly building a culture of convenience? Find out in this week’s episode!
Episode 0098 | Loyalty Programs: Where Have All the Followers Gone?
This week Jeff Kahler discusses 2023 trends for loyalty clubs and shares best practices for getting the most out of your program.
Episode 0097 | Loss Leaders: What Are You Giving Up To Get?!
This week Jeff Kahler shares his very unconventional use of a loss leader and provides 4 important tips on how to avoid undervaluing yourself or your business.
Episode 0095 | Generational Diversity
In this week’s episode, Jeff Kahler is breaking down what each generation brings to your organization and unpacks the differences and similarities between us all.
Episode 0089 | Marketing to Singles Pays Double!
This week, Jeff Kahler provides some quick tips and ideas on how you can take marketing to singles to the next level – even in the convenience world!
Episode 0086 | Subliminal Advertising – You Think You’re in Control!
This week, Jeff Kahler breaks down how make buying decisions are really made.
Episode 0085 | Industry Disrupters – Become One Now!
This week, Jeff and Kelly discuss companies that “changed the game” not just for their industries but for our culture at large.
Episode 0037 | Season 3 Recap: Your Scariest Questions Answered
Our episode recaps are some of our personal favorites, and this episode’s questions are pretty scandalous! Topics include team member incentives, drug abuse in the workplace, tattoos, moving out of state, and the list goes on.
International Podcast Day | Food Challenge Special Edition
What better way to celebrate International Podcast Day than trying new foods and making a game out of it? The clock is counting down.
Episode 0036 | Fear of the Word “No”
Rejection is one of the most common fears we face on a daily basis – but do we even know why that is? This week, Jeff Kahler cracks open the word “no” and unpacks why the word is so terrifying to hear AND say.
Episode 0035 | E-Commerce: “Do You Want BUYS With That?!”
E-commerce, though relatively new, has become a multibillion-dollar industry that is extremely convenient for consumers. This week, Jeff Kahler discusses the most important aspects of a successful e-commerce business model strategy.
Episode 0034 | Conspiracy Theory or Business Model Strategy?
Your business model is your company’s core strategy for profitable business. In this week’s episode, Jeff Kahler looks at this concept from a perspective that might surprise you.
Episode 0033 | Innovation Fills a Need; Evolution Keeps It Alive!
Innovation must be at the forefront of your business model strategy, but evolution shouldn’t be far behind. This week, Jeff Kahler discusses how to encourage innovation in your organization.
Episode 0030 | Neurodiversity: Let’s Normalize Thinking Differently
Studies show nearly 85% of college graduates with an autism spectrum disorder are unemployed. This week, Jeff Kahler asks: “Who?” “What?” and “How to do you bring these diverse assets to your team?”
Episode 0027 | Customer Loyalty: Be the Loudest but the Calmest
Earning customer loyalty begins before the customer even arrives at your business.
Episode 0025 | Niche Down: Niches Get Riches
Casting a wide net seems like a great way to generate cash flow, but that’s not always true. Niching down is a skill that pays large dividends if done correctly, but what does “niching down” mean?
Episode 0023 | Season Recap: MORE of your Burning Questions Answered
Season 2 is drawing to a close, and we have been collecting your listener emails for another question and answer session with Jeff Kahler!